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The Darkness Thruhikes.

Long-Distance Travels and Traverses.  

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Welcome to the thruhiking blog of THE DARKNESS!

(AT 2009, PCT 2012, CDT 2015)

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Fourteen Years of Adventures.

Hi folks, I'm Sue.   Half of the year, I work as a labor and delivery nurse in hospitals mostly on the West Coast.  I love everything about working in birth -- the medical science that it involves, the spiritual reality that it implies, the ubiquitous nature of the people that it touches, and the way that it opens new corners in my own heart, again and again.

But that's only half of my year.  The other half of the time, I go into the woods.


I have walked about fourteen thousand lifetime miles on routes, on- and off-trail, across the United States and in Europe.  I am a Triple Crowner of the National Scenic Trails ( AT09, PCT 12, CDT15), and I have gone on to hike thousands more miles on long-distance trails in Europe, Canada, and the Western United states.


Thruhiking has been the single most important shift I have ever made in my life.  I did not grow up spending much time in nature or connected to my body in any meaningful way through movement and exercise.  Traveling long distance on foot thru wilderness, with one or a few close friends or alone, has changed absolutely everything about me and given me the calm and perspective that feeds my work in birth when I return "to town."  More importantly, it brings me down into this incredible body that I inhabit on this beautiful planet, to "Be Here Now."


I share here the stories of my walks and the events along the way, the people I meet, the feelings I feel, the insights I have.

I would love so much for you to join me.

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